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Friday, 1 March 2013


Just had my CIs switched on three days ago and it was completely different from what I used to hear with hearings aids! For example, I thought 'shhhhhhhhhh' was quiet. But now it's LOUD!!

Also, three days ago, on the activation day when I went to the audiologist I did a beep test or something like that and when my CIs were turned on, I heard strange things like squeaking but it was actually a chat between my mum and the audiologists! Pretty weird, uh-huh?

I haven't had a single pain since the switch on but just had a little headache.

It's like switching to HDTV from old TV.

In school, I went to Maths class and just sat down. Then a lot of students came in and things were starting to be very loud, loud, loud, LOUD, LOUD, LOUD, LOUD, LOUD, including when the teacher was shushing around like I never heard before! But I'm still getting used to it though.

It was very successful! :D

This isn't really a good photo though >.<
